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JU rules for implementation of research projects financed by the National Science Center

JU rules for implementation of research projects financed by the National Science Center

I. General terms applicable to all projects implemented with the NCN funding

  1. Any modifications made to the terms of implementing a project (hereinafter: the modifications) must be relevant as regards the subject of the implemented project and they also must be essential for meeting the project’s goals.
  2. The modifications may not jeopardise the correct and full completion of tasks planned in the project, nor be contrary to the principle of economy.
  3. The project’s principal investigator is obliged to inform the project supervisor at the RSC (Research Support Centre, formerly: the CAWP) of all and any modifications introduced by them.
     For the sake of correct implementation of the project, I recommend consulting with the call assistant at the RSC before deciding on the modifications.
  4. The project’s principal investigator and the entity are obliged to inform the NCN of all and any modifications introduced to the project in an annual report covering the year of the modification and in the final report.  The principal investigator is responsible for entering information on the changes into the report’s form.
  5. Requests for such modifications as require the approval of the head of the entity (JU external funds representative) or the NCN Director are subject to prior approval of the head of the JU entity implementing the project (i.e. Dean, Director/Head of other organisational entity).
  6. In the scope not regulated in this document, the modifications introduced must remain in compliance with the provisions of the funding agreement.

II. Terms applicable to projects recommended for funding under call editions 16th and earlier, i.e. PRELUDIUM 8, OPUS 8, SONATA 8, SONATA BIS 4, MAESTRO 6, HARMONIA 6, SYMFONIA 3 and BEETHOVEN 1.

  1. Projects recommended for funding under the above mentioned NCN calls must be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the funding agreement.
  2. Treated by way of exception are modifications within other direct costs, which can be made independently by the project’s principal investigator. The condition for introducing the modifications is to simultaneously inform the call assistant at the RSC by email or in writing.

 Changes must be in line with the catalogue of eligible and ineligible costs in a given call for proposals.

III. Terms applicable to projects recommended for funding under call editions from 17th onwards, i.e. OPUS 9, PRELUDIUM 9, SONATINA 1, SONATA 9, SONATA BIS 5, HARMONIA 7, MAESTRO 7, SYMFONIA 4, BEETHOVEN 2 and projects carried out under multilateral international programmes, including: NORFACE, JPND, CHIST-ERA, JPI HDHL, BIODIVERSA, ENSUF, JPI AMR, M-ERA.NET, QUANT-ERA, ERA-CAPS, SUGI (with the exception of projects recommended for funding under all editions of the PRELUDIUM BIS calls).


  1. A principal investigator may introduce the following modifications to the terms of project implementation of their own accord provided that they inform a call assistant at the RSC of the fact:
    • modifications in the research equipment to be purchased or built, appliances and software, consisting in:
      • abandonment of the purchase of the planned research equipment, appliances or software up to 15% of the originally planned total equipment costs;
      • purchase of extra, originally non-declared research equipment, appliances or software up to 15% of the originally planned total equipment costs;
      • modifications of the model/parameters of the research equipment, appliances or software;
      • change of unit price (purchase of planned research equipment, appliances or software for a different amount than originally planned);
      • modifications regarding the subject of the research, taking into account the general principles specified in item I.1 and 2;
      • modifications within other direct costs, with the reservation that they must be in line with the catalogue of eligible and ineligible costs in a given call for proposals.
  2. The principal investigator may make the following modifications to the terms of project implementation, with the prior approval of the head of the entity (a request for a modification to be introduced, including the extension of the project implementation period, should be submitted to the head of the entity via the RSC. The request requires a detailed justification and the approval of the Head of the JU entity at which the project is carried out, i.e. the Dean, Director/Head of another organisational entity):
    • modifications in the research equipment to be purchased or built, appliances and software, consisting in:
      • abandonment of the purchase of the planned research equipment, appliances or software in excess of 15 % of the original total equipment cost;
      • purchase of extra, originally non-declared research equipment, appliances or software in excess of 15 % of the original total equipment cost;
      • extension of the implementation timeframe up to 12 months beyond the original date of completion (expressed in full months).  The request for extension (specimen available at: should be delivered to the head of the entity via the RSC within a period that laves a time margin for delivery to the NCN of the above mentioned permission at least one month before the original date of project completion. In the case of projects carried out under multilateral international programmes, prior consultation with a call assistant at the RSC is necessary, as the extension of these projects may require additional or different terms;
    • transfer of financial resources between cost estimate items planned in the proposal in the total amount of up to 15% (but not more than PLN 100,000) of direct costs from the Total column.  The transfer of financial resources does not apply to the financial envelopes for full-time remuneration and scholarships. In the case of projects carried out by groups of entities separate transfers may be applied to individual member entities;
    • modifications in the resources available in the envelope of full-time remuneration (from the funds not disbursed under full-time remuneration) consisting in:
      • the increase of remuneration for persons employed on post-doc positions, planned in the proposal, up to the amount of PLN 120,000 annually;
      • increase of remuneration for persons employed on specialist support positions, as planned in the proposal, up to PLN 85,000 annually;
      • creation of additional post-doc-type positions with the reservation that the envelope for their remuneration does not exceed PLN 120,000 annually;
    • modifications within the envelope of additional remuneration and scholarships for students and doctoral students. 
  3.  The following modifications require permission by the NCN:
    • change of the host entity, principal investigator, academic supervisor under the PRELUDIUM scheme, leading foreign partner under the HARMONIA scheme and the head of the research team under the SYMFONIA scheme;
    • reduction of the implementation timeframe (expressed in full months);
    • extension of the implementation timeframe up to more than 12 months beyond the original date of completion (expressed in full months);
    • transfer of funds between calendar years resulting in a change in the amount of instalments transferred to the entity by the NCN;
    • transfer of financial resources between cost estimate items planned in the proposal in the total amount of up to 15% (or more than PLN 100,000) of direct costs from the Total column.  In the case of consortia, separate transfers may be applied to individual partners.

IV. Terms applicable to projects recommended for funding under PRELUDIUM BIS calls.

  1. A principal investigator may introduce the following modifications to the terms of project implementation of their own accord provided that they inform a call assistant at the RSC of the fact:
    • modifications regarding the subject of the research, taking into account the general principles specified in item I.1 and 2;
    • modifications within other direct costs, with the reservation that they must be in line with the catalogue of eligible and ineligible costs in a given call for proposals. For the sake of correct implementation of the project, it is obligatory to first consult a call assistant at the RSC, since modifications introduced by the principal investigator resulting in changing the cost estimate or the work plan require securing permission from the head of the host entity or from the NCN.
  2. The principal investigator may transfer funds in the project between costs of the principal investigator and costs of their additional remuneration as planned in the project in the total amount of up to PLN 40,000. The modification requires permission from the head of the host entity (the modification request should be delivered to the head of the host entity via the RSC). The request requires a detailed justification and the approval of the Head of the JU entity at which the project is carried out (i.e. the Dean, Director/Head of another organisational entity.)
  3. Permission from the NCN is required in all cases not listed in in items 1 and 2, including:
    • change of the host institution, principal investigator;
    • reduction and extension of the implementation timeframe (expressed in full months);
    • transfer of funds between calendar years resulting in a change in the amount of instalments transferred to the entity by the NCN;
    • transfer of funds between the proposal’s headings of the cost estimate with the exception specified in item  2.

V. Terms applicable to research activities recommended for funding under the MINIATURA call.

  1. The principal investigator may introduce modifications essential for the achievement of the planned research objective, upon securing permission from the head of the host institution (a request for a modification to be introduced should be submitted to the head of the entity via the RSC). The request requires a detailed justification and the approval of the Head of the JU entity at which the research activity is carried out, i.e. the Dean, Director/Head of another organisational entity):
  • transfer of the planned funds between headings in the table “Other direct costs”;
  • modification to the scope of the “Calculation justification” in the table “Other direct costs”;
  • modification of costs in the table “Other direct costs”;
  • adding new costs in the table “Other direct costs”;
  • extension of the implementation timeframe of the research activity up to 6 months beyond the original date of completion, with the reservation that this period must be expressed in full months (applies exclusively to research activities recommended for funding under the MINIATURA scheme from the 5th edition onwards). The request for extension (specimen available at: should be delivered to the head of the entity via the RSC within a period that laves a time margin for delivery to the NCN of the above mentioned permission at least one month before the original date of project completion.

Please note that in accordance with the position expressed by the NCN Director in their letter of 6 February 2018, the relevance of the modifications introduced will be reviewed by the NCN at the point of the final settlement of the project or an inspection. Financial consequences (ineligible costs) shall be incurred by the JU entity acting as host entity to the project.

For projects recommended for funding beginning with the 26th   call edition, i.e. calls announced on 14 June 2017, i.e. MAESTRO 9, HARMONIA 9, SONATA BIS 7, SONATA 13, eligible costs are expenditures incurred from the date of the funding decision by the NCN Director coming into force (the date of the decision coming into force is counted from the date of its effective delivery to the addressee, i.e. Jagiellonian University) until the date of completing the implementation of the project, and complies with other terms specified in the project documents. In the event of failure t sign the agreement for reasons attributable to the JU entity or the project’s principal investigator, applying for return of the costs incurred at the NCN will not be eligible. The expenditures incurred by that time will constitute the costs of the JU entity at which the project is implemented.

The hereby communication does not apply to projects recommended for funding under the ETIUDA and UWERTURA calls (the terms of implementing projects are specified solely in the provisions of the funding agreements).

The above mentioned terms come into force on 1 December 2021.

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